Sunday, January 9, 2011

Warm Syrup Waffles

I have a friend from my cell group who once worked at my job in a different department. About my third, maybe fourth week, there she emailed asking me to go upstairs to the department she used to work within and meet a girl she still remained friendly with. The girl was working through some life stings and needed some encouragement. To be honest with you I did not want to do it. I almost decided to let her go for the day before I walked up there and then I quit fighting took a deep breath and started swimming through the desks in her department looking for her name plate to introduce myself.

She was very open and vaguely honest with me in her circumstances. It was a very direct conversation and I remember telling her about the power of Jesus and giving her a card for my blog advising her it would encourage her. Since then she's come to church and made choices to change her life. I think she just got to the point where she needed a new goal to try and get different results.

Every Saturday for the last few months I go to breakfast somewhere with someone. The group is always different, but it's always a nice time. This morning Angie and the girl from work were the only two who were able make it. We immediately started gabbing as girls do and my friend started to talk of her latest set back in her attempt to gain healing over a large gaping whole in her heart left there by a guy. I'm not hatin' on the guy, life is what it is but the focus is how we deal with gaping holes in raw hearts.

I don't listen to stories over and over again very well. I will listen once, perhaps twice, but by the third time we talk on a topic it better demonstrate some level of growth or I'm out.

I was able to talk to my friend from work about how it was time to change the way she was thinking about this topic. Enough was enough and it was time to move on.

I was able to challenge her from experience as there was a relationship in my life that occupied six years of my life. The truth is the first two to three years were amazing and our friendship was a blessing, then things shifted and it took a year or two of hurt and still trying to fight for what was good until I got to the point where I needed to move on and stop trying to save something that died a long time ago. Sometimes it's good to let the dead things in our lives stay dead. The only way I have learned when is time to let go and when the time to fight is by asking God for wisdom. Now, I ask myself a few questions: Is this adding to my life? Do I walk away bigger and better every time I leave you? If I don't then it's time to leave it for the Lord to sort and move forward in the relationships who are adding, growing, challenging, and changing who you are.

It's important to take stock of things in your life which are good; the bad will try and lie to you painting a grey tint on everything you see. Wipe your eyes, take stock, and realize there is power in the simplest of relationships, stick with the good ones and the company you keep will propel your life forward.

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