Monday, January 3, 2011

Beautiful Disaster

Last year I started to pay attention to my thought life. I noticed after time I was daydreaming about 75% of my day. I think my dreaming is strength, but with every strength, there is weakness at its opposite and it is important to find balance to really use any strength at its fullest potential. My great friend and powerful mentor, Rachel taught me last year about casting down imaginations when it came to men. You know those moments where you are meeting a man for the first time and in about 15 seconds flat from hello you are trying to see if the picture of you and him at the end of the aisle is a good match? Trust me I’m laughing with you, it’s ridiculous, but it is what it is. So Rachel tells me about grabbing every one of those when they come along and sticking with what is real right in front of me. It was a good one; I was surprised with how many imaginations I needed to cast down.

Today I was driving and praying about my thought life in a specific area. I have been trying to think differently in this area and was specifically praying for wisdom to understand the right thinking. My next conscious thought I found myself knee deep in an imagination! I immediately started to change my thoughts again but I had to laugh, that fast, in mid-prayer my mind can go right to what I was asking God to give me wisdom in. WOW! Now, just a disclaimer, I am not saying imaginations in general are wrong, for me it was a constant state of just imagining instead of actually doing. I needed to find this discipline for my writing, for my relationships with men, and for my own mental health. The Bible says his thoughts are higher than our thoughts…if my head is so full of my own thoughts how will I ever know what his are? I had to put this into practice to make my imaginings become reality.

I used to get annoyed with myself and think what a mess I was. Don't get me wrong I'm still a mess, but now I see it more as a beautiful disaster. He adds his beauty to my disaster and the composition of what it was changes. I understand more now, it's how you renew your thoughts. You just retrain how you think about something. The second I start to notice I'm thinking an old thought I immediately change the thought. As I do that more and more the need to be aware of un-renewed thoughts start to fade and it just becomes how you think. As if you can't even remember the old thought.

As you can see I am still in the early work of this casting down imaginations thing. And to think Rachel and I talked about this imaginations thing last February, and I'm still doing it and having to renew my mind. Today must be a cardio brain day. I hate cardio but it gets the most results so bring on the cardio.

For the record it was a lovely imagining and it felt good but I know I want a different result so I'm changing it.

1 comment:

pdwill said...

haha i love that you were in mid prayer and the imagining came in the middle of it. LOVE the honesty G! This also goes hand in hand with what Sy Rogers talked about when he was here about taking thoughts and starting a new train of thought. He explained more eloquently but you know what teaching I'm thinking of. Love you and what you're doing with this blog ma. xoxo